On Friday I had the pleasure of returning to my alma mater, Henley Business School, for a day of fun and sunshine at the Henley Royal Regatta. I was able to show off the school to our CEO, Jens Lundgaard and my colleagues, Anna Cotton, Head of Marketing, Rajeev Jolly, Head of Project Management and Neil Monahan, Digital Marketing Manager as well as a few Brandworkz brand asset management clients from JLL, Arcelor Mittal and AllianceBoots.
The Henley Alumni Relations Team spoiled us with a champagne reception on the lawn, followed by a three course lunch and a private boat trip on the Thames to watch the rowing. Not only were we treated to the beautiful surroundings of the Business School and the river, but monies from the day will go to support the education of future students at Henley.
The weather was amazing and it was nice to leave the shop talk behind and get to know our clients on a personal level. A massive thank you goes out to Henley Business School for looking after us so well and thank you to our clients for taking time out of their busy schedules to spend the day with us.
We are very much looking forward to next year!

Brandworkz team and clients enjoying the sun

Lunch is served

Brandworkz marketing team

More champagne on the boat
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